Poetry ~ Her Submission

Compliments of Xavior, written 1.30.05

She kneels before me in all her splendor
Her hair flows that of golden sunlight.
Her lips are soft and yet so kissable.
Her smile brings about gentle dimples.

Her soul so weary and very tired of it all.
I look down upon her as the precious a gift.
Her submission so rare that it is to be loved.
Her voice that of an gentle summer breeze.
Her devotion so deep that none can compare.
Her wounds deep open and forever breathing.

Within her mind she quietly searches.
Her search for the one to truly free her.
The one that can touch her soul so deeply.
The one that can set her spirit free to roam.
I watch her from a far so timid yet so strong.

She kneels quietly trying to hold herself together.
She waits for the one that can hold her together.
She yearns for the one that can truly understand.
She aches for the one that knows how to tame her.

Her torment so visible yet so much hidden from the eye.
Her scars lay bare to those who choose to see them.
I see her quietly in the corner crying softly.
Her will divided between all that she knows.
My worry deep for her my regret so visible.
My tears fall for her innocence that is lost.

My heart aches for that pain which makes her real.
My step falters for her journey that has begun.
There is no solace in that which I now feel.
I rejoice for her journey is my own and I am with her.

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