
Thanks blue, finally remembered to ask mom my time so I could get some details!

Your Sun Sign: Gemini (Sun 22° Gemini 40′)

Element: Air

Key Planet: Mercury

The Twins go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang – and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say you are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that you have an easy acceptance of opposites.

Your world is one of duality. You can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It’s like you see your world through a radio and you can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change.

Motto: “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”
Greatest Strength: Your curiosity about a variety of interests
Possible Weakness: Distracting yourself from what is most important

Your Moon Sign: Cancer (Moon 1° Cancer 32′)
Cancer is the home sign of the Moon, which indicates that you are a very lunar or feeling-oriented person. These strong emotional instincts tend to make you protective of those close to you, expressing a maternal quality of care and concern. Preserving traditions tends to be more appealing than heading into uncharted territory, and this can make you slow to accept changes in your routine. You tend to be cautious about coming out of your shell, but you’re also a builder who can slowly and carefully nurture a new business or organization. Because you feel so strongly, it can be hard to step back and take an objective look at your situation and discover alternatives to the position you’re holding onto so tightly.

Motto: “Everything is personal.”
Greatest Strength: Loyalty to those close to you
Possible Weakness: Allowing emotions to overcome logic

Your Rising Sign: Cancer Ascendant 25° Cancer 58′
Cancer Rising indicates a protective nature, sensitive to the environment and concerned with avoiding pain or discomfort. Sometimes, it’s expressed by defending others, taking on a strong position to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. But it can also be about self-protection that can make you wary of new situations. You tend to carefully take measure of your surroundings before opening up. This is an instinctive process based on your feelings, which tend to guide you more than logic. You have a well-developed sense of where you feel at home, allowing you to relax and open up when the conditions are right, but shutting you down like a clam where you feel judged or uncertain.

Motto: “Safety comes first.”
Greatest Strength: Protecting those around you
Possible Weakness: An unwillingness to take risks

Your Chinese Sign: The Monkey

Mantra: I live in my fantasy world.

The Monkey never stops acting and reacting. He is clever and full of ideas and pranks, always entertaining his or her friends, of which he has many. Everything is competition, and the Monkey wants to be the fastest at everything. Ambitious and resourceful, Monkeys can sometimes be reckless and secretive about what they want to do. They prefer to rely only on their own resources and talents. The Monkey never stops being busy& even if it is only the mind that’s at work.

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