*flips the off switch for my brain*

It seems as though as soon as I think I’m through, that I’ve handled things…something else comes along to add a whole new level to process. It works, I guess. There’s nothing wrong with understanding, especially not understanding oneself…or opening up to a chance of being understood.

I’ve been chewing on my personality test results. A lot. It all made sense. I saw me in 99.9% of what I read in the profiles. It just really didn’t hit home until today.

I am a Healer. I am an emotional creature. I am a helper. I am service oriented. I am – well, I can be – very, very intuitive. I sense things and I am very sensitive. I rely on and operate in a level of consciousness most people don’t realize exists. And if the numbers I’ve seen are correct, I am an extremely rare species.

There are times when it’s not so bad knowing what I know or feeling what I feel, like knowing when a friend is having problems despite the fact that they try to hide it. It’s a completely different situation when I ask someone a question I already know the answer to and they ask me how I knew. How weird do you think it is to say ‘you told me in a dream?’ And the real bitch of it all is the fact that I know I am still skirting the edges of something much greater.

One of these days I’ll figure out if it’s a good thing or not.

More to come, I’m sure.

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