Poetry ~ She Lives Inside Her Head

Compliments of Xavior, written 2.9.05

She lives inside her head so peaceful.
She dwells deep within her own thoughts.
Her mind wanders over the endless of now.
Her thoughts ponder a future dementedly dark.
Her eyes are vacant slots that show emptiness.

She lives inside her head so peaceful.
The darkness invades her every thought.
She screams out in silence to hear herself.
The voices grow louder inside her head.
They scream for release she begs for peace.

She lives inside her head so peaceful.
I reach out to her yet she retreats.
I sing to her soul yet it ignores my tune.
I embrace her fears yet she starts to run.
She looks right through me all the time.

She lives inside her head so peaceful.
My love for her so deep yet never touching.
My want for her happiness never occurring.
She screams inside herself lost alone.
Fearing another’s touch not wanting to fall.

She lives inside her head so peaceful.
She cries deep within her soul so lost.
She screams within her spirit searching.
She searches within her darkness for light.
Alone her steps falter but her will’s so true.

Her journey of self discovery a long road.
Her efforts to finding peace slowly succeed.
Her pain so great her determination even more.
She lives inside her head so peaceful.
She dwells within herself searching for her key.

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