Simple pleasures

A truly great person never puts away the simplicity of a child.

Wind through the trees.

Water babbling in a brook or the crash of waves.

Sun warming my skin.

Resting under willow trees.

Listening to rain fall outside my window.

Watching my children play.

A pair of stuffed dogs.

A rubber duck.

A teddy bear.

A quillow.

A glass panther.

A hand caressing my cheek.

A deep, long hug.

A soft kiss on the corner of my mouth.

A look of pride.

A whispered I love you.

The sparkle in his eyes when he smiles.

The warmth of his body against mine.

The sound of his heartbeat.

The scent of him fresh out of the shower.

The feel of his hand over mine.

Simple pleasures are abundant in life. These are a few of mine.

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