Master Kuma: The Center of the Universe

In a perfect world, a Dominants life would consist solely of learning and living the lifestyle, treasuring and torturing the gift that is their submissive. For most of us, unfortunately, life is not that perfect, and intrudes on what would otherwise be a fulfilling and idyllic life. When this occurs, often a return to ”center” is needed.

The center of a Dominant is many, many things, and what they draw upon to be a Dominant soul. Core beliefs such as honesty, integrity, honor, morals and morality, teachings, learnings, experiences (both positive and negative), self image, perceptions of life and living, and a host of others all combine to make up what a Dominant truly is.

The outside world often pulls Dominants ”off-center”. This can range from something as simple as temporary ill health to something as complicated as the loss of a loved one. At first it is hardly noticeable, and often overlooked as it is difficult to imagine being diverted from something that is the very core of your life. Nonetheless, once a Dominant is off center, their life, and the lives of others around them, changes.

A Dominant never wants to admit or acknowledge that their world isn’t right. It is, after all, one of their first priorities and responsibilities to see that the world is always right, and to have it any other way can be perceived as a failure of strength and ability. Herculean efforts are made to insure that all is well, needs are met, and this situation need never be faced, but the reality of life often has a bit different plan.

Two facts regarding this situation have become abundantly clear; (1) that regardless of any Dominants best efforts in the very best of circumstances, they will be drawn off center from time to time. This is normal, natural, and expected, but should never be defeating and (2) that the Dominant must take time to return to center whenever this occurs.

I will freely admit that there have been times that I have been off center, and in denial about it. Life and the lifestyle have taught me over the years that denial is not an acceptable way of dealing with anything, and has made me pay very dearly for my stubborn misconceptions and actions.

When I elected to assume a very anal point of view, minor things began to go slightly wrong. Assuming that all was still well for the most part, I forged ahead. Since I elected to not pay attention to the lesson and solution I was being offered, life turned up the volume until it was impossible for me to ignore the obvious.

It is a great deal simpler and considerably less painful to take the time to return to your center. Life is right there. Life works there. This is where you live, and who you are. I find that spending time with who and what I love most dearly usually leads me back. Seek out your way back to the center of your universe.

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