Poetry ~ The Visit

Quietly she sits at her window
Listening to the rain outside
As it washes away another day
Thunder rolls in the distance
Reminding her of how her heart beats
Whenever he is near, whispering sweet words
A soft breeze caresses her face
And reminds her of his gentle hands
Ever roaming, always loving, all knowing
A slight smile forms upon her lips
As she feels his passionate kiss
That takes her to another world entirely
The rain falls harder and faster
Her breath catches in her throat
When she feels his arms slip around her
Slowly they become one in spirit
For this instant in time, this stolen moment
He is with her and she is at ease
She embraces this reminder of their love
And slowly she opens her eyes
Ready to face another day

I’ve mentioned I like storms, I think. I have for several years now. I like the smell of wet earth, even the smell of slightly wet pavement if I happen to be city-bound. About the time I wrote this (a few years ago now) I started feeling the cleansing power of rain. I can focus, I can drift, and nothing exists. Nothing but me and the storm. My spirit becomes one with the rhythm of the raindrops, soothing to intense. I ride it like waves in the ocean. All in all, I’m calm. It’s a great feeling. Helps me to write more too.

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