Trust And Be Trusted

I’ve been slacking on my OMs!

…Letting yourself become enveloped in the trust and love of your close relationships enables you to gain even greater intimacy. When we realize on an instinctive level that the people we care about will never willingly hurt us, we become even more open and receptive in our relationships. Our sensitivity to the needs of others and theirs to ours allows us to deepen the trust we have, for once we know that our love and trust is reciprocal, we are able to more fully devote ourselves to seeing the relationship grow and develop. Committing yourself completely to your relationships today will make it easier to trust and be trusted and make them more satisfying as well.

This was part of my horoscope for today.

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Poetry: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

Be for him his Earth
and he will be your Heaven.
Be for him a place of rest
and he will be your abode.
Be for him a faithful Slave
and he will be your eternal Protector.
Do not smother him constantly clinging to him,
or he will seek release from the load of your weight.
Yet, do not stay away from him for too long
lest he might forget you.
If he comes to you, approach him sweetly,
but if he steps away, keep your distance.
Always pay the utmost attention
to his nostrils and ears and eyes,
so he will never smell anything but
the fragrant perfume of your body and your desire,
never hear from your lips anything but
pleasantries and good tidings
and never sees in you anything but
your beauty consecrated to his pleasure.

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111), Persian Sufi philosopher and poet

*just grins*