Category: Uncategorized
One More Thing…
I just checked my horoscopes. Astrobarry made me snicker!
If you think you can have a sweet superficial chat with a certain You-Know-Who, when, at the same time, you have a bunch of more complicated stuff on your mind that you’d rather not discuss with ’em, you’re totally kidding yourself. How can you imagine you won’t spill your guts, Gemini? Once you start talking, you won’t be able to stop… or at least you won’t want to. And it’s definitely worth considering whether the things you’re liable to say will likely further complicate the complicated situation. The current reactions you’re having, real and profound as they may be, could just as easily fade away by next week or the following one. But based on the intensity you’ll inescapably express, should you opt to talk this out with the person in question, they might mistakenly assume you feel like this all the time… and treat this passing pothole as a more lasting trouble. In other words, if you’re too indiscriminate in how much you vent—and especially to whom—you’ll end up creating more of the very thing you’re complaining about. So if you’re not in the mood to bare your soul (or wise enough to know that, despite the temptation, you’re better off not running your mouth in this case), then funnel all your attention into your job or other such routine concerns. Not only are these ‘safer’ places to channel your mental energy, but the simple act of changing your focus will do more to settle your stirred-up soul than continuing to talk incessantly about what’s stirring you up.