Trust And Be Trusted

I’ve been slacking on my OMs!

…Letting yourself become enveloped in the trust and love of your close relationships enables you to gain even greater intimacy. When we realize on an instinctive level that the people we care about will never willingly hurt us, we become even more open and receptive in our relationships. Our sensitivity to the needs of others and theirs to ours allows us to deepen the trust we have, for once we know that our love and trust is reciprocal, we are able to more fully devote ourselves to seeing the relationship grow and develop. Committing yourself completely to your relationships today will make it easier to trust and be trusted and make them more satisfying as well.

This was part of my horoscope for today.

I’ve often found myself awed by how much more trusting I’ve become since entering the M/s realm. Not that I didn’t trust before, and I do have a hard time with it here and there, but it seems as though I’ve found a much deeper level that was unavailable to me until I began my exploration. It’s a lovely thing and, sadly, it’s something that so many relationships lack these days.

Moving on…

Balancing Logic and Emotions – …You may find yourself overreacting to minor conflicts or making impulsive choices you could later regret. These volatile emotions could reveal a deeper conflict inside of you or unresolved feelings that you’re not sure how to handle…

…If we find ourselves acting out emotionally, it is usually a sign that we have not resolved a deeper issue. If we can go within and figure out what our deeper needs may be, we can experience our emotions without having them intrude into our rational decision-making process. We then find ourselves feeling more balanced and in control, and we are able to make better decisions. Learn to tell the difference between your emotional responses and rational thoughts today, and you can be sure to act in ways that are beneficial to you.

I could approach this one a million different ways, but I’ll stick to my initial thought: I will likely always be more emotional than logical and, while I can – and do – improve on being more rational, I will need an extra set of eyes on me…one that’s attached to a brain that can understand what’s happening and decide if and how to help. If it’s PMS, ‘get’ it and maybe give me chocolate, let me fume and be alone if I want. If there’s a deeper problem, help me figure out what it is. Easy, right?

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